The 6 capabilities

These 6 capabilities are the most fundamental skills of life & living systems

The 6 capabilities
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Jul 25, 2021
These 6 capabilities are the most fundamental skills of life & living systems
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The 6 capabilities
are the core capabilities required that enable us to transform one's self authoring capability.
Self Authorship is made up of 6 Life skills
  1. The Reawakener: Reawakening
  1. The Guide: Meaning & Motivation
  1. The Witness: Awareness, Appreciation & Nourishment
  1. The Hacker: Reflection & Problem solving
  1. The Grunt: Wilfulness & Practice
  1. The Self-mediator: Dis-identification & Self-mediation
Everything under still under construction
  • Dependable practice
    and idojo help people develop a set of higher order capabilities. These capabilities provide the foundational skills that help people to author their own lives. They are meta- or foundational skills in that they fractally underline all capability.
  • /This/ is a patterned instance of the core pentadic pattern. These can be related to either from the perspective of structure (noun) or process (verb)
  • /This/ is a LO3-derived take on the scientific method. The key addition is acknowledgement of the agent who is the key authoring participant in the process.
  • This model is a reflection of my exploration of the distilled architecture of life - Ref artificial life

I would like a term for the practice-enaction of these in the present situation

  • This is I think similar to the concept of [[Showing up]]
  • Ref [[The Meaningful Participation framework: tying it all together/Showing up]]

I would also like a more accessible name than “meta capability”

  • Power
  • Freedoms

I need to build out /this/ so that it also explains

  1. Perception is filtered by upstream memories of previous value-theories
  1. Habits
  1. Problem solving
  1. Memory (is memory simply the impact of "action" on an "upstream" "environment"?). I need to work out where the store of value-beliefs fit into this model of anatomy.


  • This same model also speaks to [[Perceptual Control Theory (PCT) 🔘]] & other possible discrete domains. In PCT associated terms it might be thought of as a “Meaning Control System”
  • Ref [[Holon 🔘/The Triholon]]
  • There is a noun vs verb difference at least insofar as “anatomy” is a noun and competency is a noun of a process
  • Perhaps it should be more abstract? And the pentadic points would need a different name?
  • Where does strength-will fit into this model? Probably “Action” but this only speaks of the verb and not the underlying “noun” of being
  • Capabilities require "work" or “practice” to build them
  • Slice molds are a simple primordial organism that operate in a collective intelligence based on a few simple if-then rules.


  • Dependable practice
    and idojo help people develop a set of higher order capabilities. These capabilities provide the foundational skills that help people to author their own lives. They are meta- or foundational skills in that they fractally underline all capability.
  • The 6 capabilities
    are the skills required that enable us to transform from one CDT stage to the next
  • /This/ is a patterned instance of the core pentadic pattern. These can be related to either from the perspective of structure (noun) or process (verb)
  • /This/ is a LO3-derived take on the scientific method. The key addition is acknowledgement of the agent who is the key authoring participant in the process.
  • This model is a reflection of my exploration of the distilled architecture of life - Ref artificial life

Being or capability is a crystalline-like “organic structure”

  • The elements of self-authoring being build together in a "crystalline" like structure.
  • Wakefulness, Beliefs, will, presence, conscience, Self-remembering
  • They support one another and must grow together in order for capability to develop

these are also motivators (including effort as service)

Core motivations

  • Each of the 6MC is associated with [[5CBM - 2. Motivation model: “The 5 faces of meaning”]]

Each “Skill”

I think I need to give each instance of the pentadic concept a unique term but one that also recognises its fractal nature Exists at at least 2 levels. An archetypal pentadic level and at a practice-process-MPC level - eg. red-pilling vs noticing & reflection
  • practices
  • Affirmation or catchphrase (The affirmations (catch phrases) of self authorship. Think about adding an “agreement” or affirmation to each of the 5 competencies. Inspired by /The Four Agreements/)
  • questions
  • heroes
  • price
  • icon?
  • viegram receptive & affirmative
  • quote(s)
  • shadow
  • notes

I think that the Keganian transformation of Self-Other boundaries must be implicit in this AOB construct (ref
Constructive Developmental Theory
). ::But how does the “self” become “other”?::

Need term

  • I wonder whether “agency” or Authorship or Self-Authorship is a better term than “Self”
  • This is a fractal architectural pattern of life. Like a primal “building block” or the principles that inform the building block. A “primal living process”
  • /This/ “pattern” is the core architectural feature of [[@Meaningful Participation (MPa) 🔘]] and the starting basis of an alternate way of explaining the need for things like “conscious labour and intentional suffering” but with more obvious logic.


  • Anatomy of
    • Living systems
    • Life
    • Self
  • Self authoring
    • Frame
    • Physique
    • Soma
    • construct
    • Chassis-
    • archetype
    • system-
    • code-
    • Process-
    • algorithm-
    • form (-ation)
    • structure
    • pattern-
    • architecture-
One problem of this term is that it doesn’t point to the fractal nature of the pattern - ref Whitehead
  • Moment of MP (MPM or MMP)
  • “primal living process”
    • Archetypal
  • Living Building archetype
  • Self Evolutionary algorithm
  • Living, Fractal
  • Architecture and Structure
  • Life creating architecture
  • Unit of conscious evolution
  • Primal Building Block
  • Scheme, pattern, system, structure, archetype
  • Building, creating, living
  • 5 Building scheme
  • Pentadic creating archetype
  • (these all feel quite abstract. Could it be grounded with metaphor?)
  • Life building archetype

Looking for a new term

  • A MVP of Competency
  • Archetype of Meaningful Participation (AMP)
  • Holon
  • Unit of cognition
  • Archetype of creative intelligence (ACI)
  • Atom of Intelligence
  • “Unit Of Life” UOL or “Atom of Agency” (AOA).
  • ::Given that this is a primal structure of life (considered whilst reading about the science of cognition and “the ability to form mental representations”) I wonder whether AO-“Self” is too “higher order” a term?::
  • “Anatomy of Life” would be the more accurate term. Or maybe another term for “anatomy”
    • (Fractal) (Pattern)
    • “atom” of
  • Whilst “life” is probably better than “self” I think it stretches too far. It is a “life-moment” or “moment of life”
    • Fractal Moment (model)
    • Life
    • Agency
    • Self, Selfhood, Selfness
  • The right term will tangibilise the concept

From the note: The 5 Competencies of Self Authorship (5CSA)


  • ::Maybe turn hero names into verbs::
  • [[/the 5 limiting factors that prevent us from satisfaction of a MPo]]


  • The 6 capabilities
    are the skills required that enable us to transform from one CDT stage to the next
  • These competencies are all ::self & “moment-centric”:: and operate across the full spectrum of the moment from now-now to my life to the whole of time and life

The 5 skills of Self Authorship (from Circles in Time)

I agree that “practice capability” is more than just “grunt”. It definitely has a cognitive design element; I call this skill “hacking”. It’s not generally mentioned in behaviour change literature but I believe is an essential element as we are all different and life is continuing throwing up new challenges. I also think that connecting to and staying connected to the intrinsic motivation that informs and partially fuels our practice is another skill. Regular reflection is another necessary skill of practice to check whether you’re on track or need help from your hacker. And finally I think there is a skill which I call “re-selfing” which is a kind of self-talk based in meta-awareness of our inner competing drives and needs.

On Re-selfing

“All cognitive agents are made of parts”. A line I came across this week from Michael Levin, a biologist from Tufts University. What we call our “self” is an emergent property of a number of “sub” selves, all of which have completing values. Part of me wants to stay in bed. Another part wants to get up and practice. We have numerous of these competing needs in every moment of our life. Unless we can learn to develop the ability to manage our inner awareness and attention then we will always be a subject of, rather than the director of, this unconscious competition.


  • [[The competencies of Self Authorship]]
  • [[The Systematics of Self Authorship]]
  • [[The core Principles of Self-authorship]]
  • [[The core capabilities or “The Anatomy of Capability”]]
  • [[Transformation by JG Bennett]]. Relative to this I think that my "5 skills" is a better model

Doesn’t include

  • Bennett’s “Help”?


3 May 2019

  • ::In addition to the 5 competencies I have been calling 5CoSA, which are only in the domain of becoming (trans-personal/holonic), there are presumably competencies in the domain of being (intra-personal) & belonging (inter-personal)::
  • But competency in each domain is possibly interdependent upon competency in one of the other 2 domains. For instance realising a “becoming” challenge is dependent on dealing with “will-power” intra-personal conflicts
  • A Venn diagram of the 3 intersecting circles that make up a practice of humaning in every “situation”-moment


  • What are the simple set of rules that self authoring organisms operate from?
  • I wonder whether the first (zeroth) is Self remembering. Orienting from our agency

The 5 limiting factors that prevent us from satisfaction of a MPo

Whichever situation people are in, people are people and people are controllers. Understanding the process of control might even inform the ways we assist and support each other. We could get the idea that it is more useful to help people identify their own important standards rather than cajoling them to adopt the priorities we have placed at the top of our list. Once they are familiar with their own personalised set of priorities, it might also be helpful to explore the things that could be blocking the realisation of these preferences. Sometimes, the block can be competing ideas the person is simultaneously pursuing and at other times it can be impoverished and even hostile environments.
  1. Not knowing what we want
        1. competing ideas the person is simultaneously pursuing

        Connection to Gurdjieff

        • Ref [[“Gurdjieff: Making a New World” by JG Bennett]

        The competencies of Self Authorship

        Take 1

        From Tonkin + Taylor thoughts for - How do you develop this competency?

        Problem solving and Knowledge

        • Knowledge is the static quality residue of problem solving.
        • Knowledge (decision making) is only one of the underlying capabilities that determine well-being or performance.this doesn’t distinguish between DQ problem solving and sq knowledge
        • Competency is made up of 5 underlying capabilities;
            1. Meaning (Master)
            1. Situational awareness (Witness)
            1. Problem solving (Hacker)
            1. Effortfulness (Grunt)
            1. Responsibility (Self Author)
        • This framework is called “Self authorship” and each of the 5 skills is a meta-skill. This means that it is a foundational life skill that powers other more specific capabilities.

        When comparing the above with what is below there are differences that are important
        • Mastery is added as an effective end-point of (recon) decision making. Also Choice is
        • Appreciation is added as an effective end-point of (recep) situational awareness

        Take 2

        From The essence of Self Authorship and 5 Competencies of Self Authorship
        1. Authority & Conscious choice lies at the centre of Self Authorship. (Freedom)
        1. And secondly the service of What is Important(to us) (Values)
        1. And thirdly mastery in realising What is Important (The difference we make; participation)
        1. Fourthly it is appreciation for what we have realised
        1. Fifthly it is pride in our Being

        Take 3

        From My Core values
        • Wakeful agency
        • Self authorship (taking responsibility for my life)
        • Serving Wii and Purpose (Meaningful Participation)
        • “Getting better” at serving wii (humility & stretch & growth-mastery)
        • Curiosity (about the essence-truth of life) and humility
        • Integrity and authenticity
        • Kindness and empathy
        • Acknowledgement

        Alternate terms

        • life skills
        • Self-authoring skills
        • meta-skills
        • Fitness
        • Competencies
        • Abilities
        • /ideally the name would suggest they are parts of a set/


        • [[Finiteness 🔘/The infinite (MPo) and the finite (MVa) are 2 parts of a larger whole]]
        Mitch Olson

        Written by

        Mitch Olson