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Oct 10, 2021
A Dependable practice is generally catalysed when a person decides they’ve had enough and they want to make a change in their life. They want something different and have decided they’re going to take responsibility for making it happen.
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Table of contents
MPr is much more than a simple habitMPr pays twice and thriceInboxMPr entails that the practitioner assume these rolesThe competencies of MPr are meta-competencies (of self-authorship)Why MPr is better than practice or habit buildingReferencePractice is for anyone who wants to get betterPractice pays twicePractice pays twice. No. Practice begets capability (fitness) begets ability to practiceThe triad of building better habitsVersus Deliberate Practice
Practice is a form of systematic training in which a particular behaviour is repeated indefinitely in order to build mastery. Dependable practice is a specific form of practice that has a number of features that differentiate it from other forms of practice or other forms of behavioural intervention.
In Dependable practice the person overseeing the practice and the person performing the practice are one in the same; we say that they both “work on” and “work in” the practice. A Dependable practice is generally catalysed when a person decides they’ve had enough and they want to make a change in their life. They want something different and have decided they’re going to take responsibility for making it happen.
Everything under here is under construction
A Dependable practice has generally 2 quantities; the length of time the practice is performed for in a day, and the number of days in a week it is performed.
MPr is much more than a simple habit
- A habit is ::mechanical::; it is something that is mindless, thoughtless, effortless and automatic; it’s a kind of machine that runs on autopilot.
- On the hand a MPr is ::conscious::; it is mindful, choiceful, effortful and intentional
MPr pays twice and thrice
::Practice pays twice. No. Practice begets capability (fitness) begets ability to practice. Begets closing the [[Meaning Gap 🔘]]::
- It has 2 - 3 intended outcomes. We say “MPr pays twice and thrice”. Ref [[Holarchy vs. hierarchy]]
- To work towards a meaningful outcome; one that is intrinsically important to the person
- To develop mastery in the competencies that are an essential means of realising a desired outcome.
- The practice as an end in itself; to enjoy the practice itself
- Practice is most effective when practised deliberately in a cybernetic feedback loop
MPr entails that the practitioner assume these roles
- Master: sets a meaningful outcome with intrinsic motivation to drive it. MPr is intentional
- Witness: a regular reflection (Witness) & learning cycle (Hacker)
- Grunt: robust repetitive routine (Grunt & Self-author)
- Grunt: stretch (effort); A practice goal that stretches capability so it is somewhat uncomfortable to achieve (Master)
- Hacker:
- Director: An executive function that manages the process (“working on”)
The competencies of MPr are meta-competencies (of self-authorship)
This means they can be usefully leveraged and applied in other MPr.
- Hal Elrod in this video says “what if you could change anything about your life just by changing the way you start your day” and “What would you change”
- Ref. [[idojo Customer Chain of beliefs]]
- MPr is the fundamental practice of [[Self Authorship 🔘]]. It helps develop [[The 6 Life Skills (6LS)]].
Why MPr is better than practice or habit building
::more thought here::
- Speed of learning
- Robustness
- Ref something about MPr in Communities of Practice
- Focus is on building capability as the outcome is a result of the capability
- It is an expression of [[The Systematics of Self Authorship]]
Practice is a reconciling instrument between ::my current capability (“materialised identity”):: and ::my potential capability (“Meaningful Potential”):: and what more that in turn enables someone to author.
James Clear talks about identity based stuff in relation to a habit. I think the core foundational identity is that of the practicing self author.
Practice is for anyone who wants to get better
From Netflix Abstract Christoph Niemann
Every athlete every musician practices every day Why should it be different for artists? Why should it be different for self authors?
Practice pays twice
- capability x practice = getting closer to your desired achievement
- capability x practice = more capability
Angela Duckworth apparently says something similar with “Effort counts twice"
- talent x effort = skill
- skill x effort = achievement

Practice pays twice. No. Practice begets capability (fitness) begets ability to practice
Begets closing the Meaning Gap
The triad of building better habits
There is an interesting relationship between habit and the process of building it. Habit is about automaticity - an unconscious behaviour pattern that is devoid of conscious choice. On the other hand the building of habit is about exactly the opposite. A conscious deliberate practice that fights against the inattention and inertia that characterises the general automaticity of our lives in order to create a new habit at a higher level.
- The tendency to habituality is the /receptive//static force
- The aspiration to something better is the /affirmative//Dynamic force
- Conscious labour and intentional suffering (sacrifice) is the /reconciling/ force
- But distinguish between habit in routine
- What am I doing to build my capacity in ministry in terms of performing my calling in the intersection of psychology in digital
- (Beyond productivity) what would I specifically try to develop and measure?
- What am I measuring my general productivity?
Versus Deliberate Practice
- Primary goal of MPr is self-dependability; setting goals (connected to wii) & achieving it
- Requires
- Systemic repetition
- Goal
- A “Want” connected to intrinsic motivation
- Feedback
- Stretch (& sitting with discomfort)
- Reflection
- Creative tweaking
- Persistence