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Jun 29, 2021
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Authority looks different depending on where it lies relative to us
- The nature of authority differs in profound ways depending on whether the authority is external or internal to the self
- Ref headings below “Authority outside of the Self” & “Authority inside of the Self”
- When authority is outside of the Self it creates Opposite thinking
- When the authority is inside the Self it creates Organic thinking
Authority is granted
- By someone
- Ref [[Authority, accountability and self-authorship/Authority is granted]]
- I have previously defined authority as the choice about who chooses. But it is more than this. What occurs to me that this previous definition is missing something.
- Authority implies some sort of command or imperative or expectation (an "affirmative")
- But who grants the right to command?
- "I" do.
- Authority can only be granted by another?
- The Self gives it to the Whole. How funny. The self grants authority to Whole
Projected Authority
- Authority is something granted (rather than something claimed).
- ::/”Authority is who defines what is important”/:: (the higher-order value-theory). #tk or is it who chooses (including who chooses what is important)
- Implicit in authority is also surrender and service. The Grunt being dependable to the Master
- The root of the word authority means an author whose statements are regarded or affirmed as correct
- Authority is baked into the very structure of our cognition. Beliefs filter not only experience but also other beliefs and so on
- The concept of ::Authority is important because it places constraints on the beliefs we operate from when given the opportunity to choose. In particular beliefs about ones own capabilities and rights::
- “I am not equal” is an affirmation of the Rusty Autopilot “pole” of Meaningful Potential (in the domain of beliefs) which we are all destined to face in our lives.
The implications of granted authority: surrender and service
- The importance of authority is it indicates that the “who” behind what is said has (been granted) “pagerank” and is therefore worth one’s time in considering. It is shorthand-signalling that what they say is valuable; has utility.
- Authority is our rating-ranking of the “meta-reconciling”
The 4 quadrants of sovereignty

Projected Authority
Projected authority
[[Authority & Projected Authority]]
- ::When authority is externalised outside of ourselves then not only are Expectations external, but also is judgement and responsibility::
- The person is “subject” of an external authority. Authority is specified in the form of a set of rules
- People who have externalised authority tend to have psychological [[Reactance]] as their autonomy is denied
- The first rule is don’t question the rules; they are unquestionable. Given this rule there is little utility in even noticing them so PTh authority tends to become so habitually “embedded” in our awareness that people no longer see it. It is like the fish that asks “what water?”
- The people and culture we grow up with indoctrinate us with the authorities that they are embedded within
- The rules always have 2 poles; a “good” pole and a “bad” pole. The primary rules concern;
- “Truth”: what is true
- “Morality”: what is good
- The authority not only specifies the rules but also acts as judge of the subject’s performance relative to the rules
- They is no choice; only the obligation to follow the rules
Foreign authority & Opposed Thinking
- When the authority is external it leads to a kind of thinking called Opposite thinking
Native Authority
Metaphysical perspective
- The notion of Meaningful Potential
- and how our Self-Aurhorship
- necessarily bridges the gap with Fulfilled Realisation
- There’s also something about wholes & parts
- Is choice a more fundamental, lower-level element than (Deweyian) “inquiry”?
There is a further differentiator because an enacted choice does not necessarily result in a desired outcome. To this you need Mastery of choice to specify the overall outcome
Habits are a kind of authority of the (unconscious) past
- To the extend we enable them, Deadlines are a kind of authority