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Jun 27, 2021
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I say that having integrity means 2 things
1. Setting an intention around what is authentically important to yourself
- This is about [[1. The Guide: Meaning & Motivation]] and
2. doing what you said you were going to do
- This is equivalent to [[Self dependability 🔘]] which is another way of saying that [[4. The Grunt: Wilfulness & Practice]] is serving the Advocate
- Surely then Pride is the feeling associated with integrity & therefore authenticity
- This is a capability that needs development with practice
Werner Erhard on integrity
In The four ways of being he breaks integrity down beyond the 2 primary ways that I am defining above but I think these are all just aspects of these 2. He talks about it just being about your word but this doesn’t speak to my first aspect
In this positive model, integrity for a person is a matter of a person’s word, nothing more and nothing less. You are a man or woman of integrity, and enjoy the benefits thereof, when your word is whole and complete. Your word includes the speaking of your actions as in “actions speak louder than words”. Honouring Your Word: While keeping your word is fundamentally important in life, you will not be able to always keep your word (unless you are playing a small game in life). However, you can always honor your word. Integrity: Honoring Your Word:Is keeping your word OR:Whenever you will not be keeping your word, just as soon as you become aware that you will not be keeping your word (including not keeping your word on time) saying to everyone impacted:
Your Word Defined
Word-1. What You Said:
Whatever you said you will do, or will not do (and in the case of do, doing it on time).
Word-2. What You Know:
Whatever you know to do, or know not to do, and if it is do, doing it as you know it is meant to be done (and doing it on time), unless you have explicitly said to the contrary.
Word-3. What Is Expected of You:
Whatever you are expected to do or not do – specifically, unexpressed requests of you – unless you have explicitly said you would not do it. (In the case of do, includes doing it on time.)
Word-4. What You Say Is So:
Whenever you have given your word to others as to the existence of some thing or some state of the world, your word includes your being willing to be held accountable that the others would find your evidence makes what you have asserted valid for them.
Word-5. What You Stand For:
Whether expressed in the form of a declaration made to one or more people, or to yourself, as well as what you hold yourself out to others as standing for (formally declared or not).
Word-6. Morality, Ethics and Legality:
The social moral standards, the group ethical standards and the governmental legal standards of right and wrong behavior, good and bad behavior in the society, groups and state in which I enjoy the benefits of membership are also my word (what I am expected to do) unless I have explicitly and publicly expressed my intention to not keep one or more of those standards, and I willingly bear the costs of refusing to conform to these standards (the rules of the game I am in).