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Jun 28, 2021
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A value-theory is a coupled Holon that combines a valued outcome with a theory about how to achieve it. It is the essence of information. Value-theories are hopeful expectations. A prediction of what is expected to happen in a given situation contextualised with (i) a desired outcome and (ii) a current state.
- Beliefs are the core medium from which The Grunt (& will) transforms it into MV.
- The value-theory is the fundamental unit or atom of life
- Value-theories are fractal in nature and structured holonarchly in a specific pattern
- Piaget calls VT’s “schemes”
- Mark Feenstra’s term for foundational beliefs (value-theories) is “Super-positions”
Authors and Authority
- Law: every value-theory has an author
- A value-theory is only effective to the extent that the author is granted authority
There is a continuum of value-theories from non-living to living
- agential ("living")
- Non-agential ("non-living")
- Where are value-theories in the MPC?
The penultimate outcome or process of transformation is the authoring of beliefs about oneself.
- It is the capacity to do this as a “crystalline structure”
As I described in my book Indistractable, several studies have found that behavior change requires identity change. That is, long-term adherence to a new set of actions necessitates seeing ourselves differently. From Be a Schedule Builder, Not a To-Do List Maker