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Jun 28, 2021
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A practice is an intentional recurrent action that builds and maintains capability. A practice is the antidote to habituality. Instead of being mindless, thoughtless, effortless and automatic, practices are mindful, choiceful, effortful and intentional.
A habit happens to you, a practice is performed by you.
Habits take us where we have always been. Practices take us to the new places we want to live in.
Everything under here under construction
- they also act as scaffolding for MPa; ref "Living beginnings". This I think is an example of the ::investment-vs-indulgence trade-off::
- A design philosophy for practice. Reconciling between conscience, self-dependability, hazard, me-ness (other aspects of my conscience)
- Some practices are stable and others aren't. Good to categorise and understand. Ref missing exercisibng this morning but knowing I can restablishg myself
On practice
- Every athlete every musician practices every day
- Why should it be different for artists?
- Why should it be different for self authors?
What makes practice practice?
- regular, scheduled
- Focus is on development of capability
All practices are 3-tier systems
- thought of when considering the lack of self dependability around my vitamin taking practice
- Which in turn thought of when considering my reduced fitness and slower metabolism
- Tier 1 is a system to enact the instance of a practice
- Tier 2 is a system to do this regularly
- Tier 3 is a system to check that tier 1 & 2 is working
- This seems to correlate to [[The Systematics of Self Authorship/The 3 levels of Self Authorship]]
What makes Meaningful Practice?
- practice is around a change you want in your life at present
- Involves effort, sacrifice
- But how do you practice to become a better self author?
- What are the skills and muscles that are developed as a sa?
- "Practice is the repetition of an action with the goal of improvement"
- "systematic training by multiple repetitions"
- Practice is cyclical. A pattern of actions that repeat themselves
Myelin is a fatty substance that insulates the brain’s wiring and is a major constituent of ‘white matter’. It is produced by the brain and spinal cord into early adulthood as it is needed for many developmental processes
Practices vs habits
Posted to Circles in Time
First of all I use the word “practice” rather than than “habit”. Whilst these 2 words share a common meaning of a repetitive behaviour, there are important differences between them. A habit is something that is mindless, thoughtless, effortless and automatic; it’s a kind of machine that runs on autopilot. Any repetitive behaviour that is doesn’t have one of these 4 properties is not a habit. If the repetitive (I guess “circular” in David’s terms) behaviour requires intentionality, mindfulness (conscious awareness), choicefulness or effortfulness then it is NOT a habit. Flossing your teeth has the potential to become a habit because it has the potential to be a product of simple conditioning, but exercising in the morning is not as, just for starters, it requires engaging your will; it’s effortful. Skinner & behavourism which underlies a lot of the popular literature on habit formation, is great for corporates like Facebook who want to leverage habit formation for their own benefit, but not to the benefit of people themselves. I could say a lot more about this but I’m trying (unsuccessfully) to be brief.**
Meaningful Practice vs Deliberate Practice
“He argues the secret to excellence is deliberate practice and is acquired through structured training and expert feedback”